Our primary concern is the safe, efficient delivery of medical care for all our patients. We have set “Appointment Times” for our patients and do our best within the limits of circumstances that we can control to see our patients on time. Please understand that this policy is in place to prevent the Doctors from falling extremely behind during the day. We ask all our patients to abide by this and all of our office policies. Chronically ignoring or failing to follow our office policies may result in our requesting that you find another Asthma & Allergy healthcare provider.
We encourage and expect our patients to arrive in a timely manner, as late arrivals interfere with the Doctor being able to stay on his/her schedule. If you arrive 10 minutes after your appointment time, you may be asked to reschedule.
We feel that patients deserve our attention during the appointment time we have reserved for them. If you arrive late for an appointment, our staff will check with the provider to see if we will be able to see you at this time, at a later time during that day, or the next available appointment.
Thank you for helping us to maintain an efficient patient schedule.